How E-tec is keeping you safe during Alert Level 3 classes?
What should you expect when enrolling in an E-tec course during Level 3?
We care about all of those that join us for classes – both participants and tutors – so there are some new rules that relate to health and safety which start the moment you arrive to the facility. And in accordance with guidance from the Ministry of Education, we reduced the number of class participants to a maximum of 9 per class.
What are the first rules that affect those arriving to E-tec?
After parking at the back of the building, it’s important that you enter at the rear door and scan the Covid-19 QR code. Besides wearing your face mask at all times inside, it’s essential to keep a 2m distance from other people. After following the signs, you’ll be required to wash your hands with sanitiser before signing a Contact Tracing Register.
What is the Contact Tracing Register?
This Register asks you to declare that you have not been in contact with anyone with Covid-19 symptoms; and that you aren’t experiencing any Covid-19 symptoms. It also requires your personal contact details, so that the Government can contact you (and your contacts) in the unlikely event of an infection.

What happens when you meet your tutor?
Your tutor will meet you in a designated area to take you through a site induction, provide you with appropriate PPE and explain the safe distancing and hygiene protocols.
Are there safety requirements through an E-tec class?
Yes, you must maintain a 1m safe distance from your classmates at all times. In addition, all tools brought to site must be cleaned using the antiseptic wipes provided before the class commences and should be left on site until the end of your course. At that point, they will need to be thoroughly cleaned before they can be removed.
What is one thing to remember throughout the entire day while on E-tec premises?
Other classes may also be operating in the same building at the same time as yours, so it’s essential that everyone maintain a safe 2m distance from people outside your class, at all times.
Can you bring food onsite?
If you wish to bring food on site, you are welcome to use the spacious E-tec cafeteria for your meals and breaks, provided you keep appropriate social distancing and hygiene standards. We have removed chairs and spaced out the seating and will ensure only one group is allowed in the cafeteria at a time.
What additional precautions does E-tec take prior to each class?
All of the working surfaces and test equipment are thoroughly cleaned at the start and end of each day.
What happens to someone who is not following E-tec’s guidelines?
We really appreciate everyone’s cooperation in helping us to maintain these health and safety protocols. It is also important to point out that we will need to ask anyone not well, or not adhering to the rules, to leave the site immediately.
If you become concerned about anyone breaching the rules, or believe a fellow classmate may be unwell, talk to your tutor immediately or contact the manager at E-tec on (027) 777 4405.
Are you able to enter E-tec as a visitor?
E-tec is closed to visitors during Level 3. If you’d like to speak to someone about your course or training needs, you can contact [email protected] or 0800 030 500.
From where has E-tec taken safety direction?
Our COVID-19 Safety Plan has been developed in accordance with WorkSafe, Ministry of health and Ministry of Education guidelines. You can view it here.